About Cover Thumbnailer
This project is not maintained here anymore, please visit its github page for more informations:
Cover Thumbnailer is a small Python script which displays music album's covers and a preview of pictures which are in a folder in nautilus, the GNOME's file browser. Cover Thumbnailer generate the folder's thumbnail automatically, like any other thumbnailer ; you don't have to generate thumbnails manually.
Cover Thumbnailer is customizable (the is a lot of options). For configuring it, just launch its preferences GUI:
Compatibility with Nautilus:
- Cover Thumbnailer 0.8.3 works with Nautilus 3.x
- Cover Thumbnailer 0.8.2 and previous work with Nautilus 2.x
Latest News 
Project moves to Github Wednesday, 21 June 2017
This project is now hosted on Github: https://github.com/flozz/cover-thumbnailer
Cover Thumbnailer 0.8.3 released Thursday, 27 October 2011
Cover Thumbnailer 0.8.3 is out! The version just adds the support of Nautilus 3.x and removes the support of some GConf options (like thumbnails' size).
- Download page:
- http://projects.flogisoft.com/cover-thumbnailer/download/
- Oneiric PPA:
- ppa:flozz/flozz > cover-thumbnailer
- Release notes and changelog:
- https://launchpad.net/cover-thumbnailer/v0.8/v0.8.3
The work on Cover Thumbnailer 0.9 is started Saturday, 5 March 2011
Hi everybody !
Cover thumbnailer is always alive, and I am working on Cover Thumbnailer 0.9. This version will add:
- The support of multiple themes (see the spec: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cover-thumbnailer/+spec/theme-support)
- The support of the video folder (if I have enough time, else it will be for the version 1.0)
- Maybe other things ? :)
If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to post them : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cover-thumbnailer
Issue with the upgrade from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 (ppa/deb) Thursday, 13 January 2011
If Cover Thumbnailer has stopped working after an upgrade from the version 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 (with the ppa or the deb package), try:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure cover-thumbnailer
sudo gconf-schemas --register cover-thumbnailer.schemas
Cover Thubmnailer 0.8.2 is out ! Saturday, 8 January 2011
This version just adds new translations (and some translations have been updated).
You can download Cover Thumbnailer here : http://software.flogisoft.com/cover-thumbnailer/fr/#download